January Saturday 19th
8:00pm to 11:00pm
15$ Entry per player
- 5 v 5
- One Match = 3 Rounds
-1 Round = 3:00 Minute Maximum
-Team wins Match by winning 2 of the 3 Matches
-If one Team wins first 2 Rounds , The 3rd round will not be required
-5 second Count down ( verbal warning by ref before countdown begins )
- Round begins by Horn/Whistle blow
Referee / Officials
- Officiator controls Countdown and Game start / End
-Officiators have full power to call hits upon players and pull players
-Officiators have final call to any disagreement
Center Flag
- Flag is hung in the center of the field
-You must grab the flag and hang it
on the opposing teams spawn point to end the game
-If the flag holder gets hit they must DROP the flag where they got hit
- Teams Start at the bunker located in the center of their spawn
-All guns must be FACING the wall until the round begins
-One Foot must be TOUCHING the spawn wall until the round begins
Not calling Hits / Cheating are considered fouls
1st Offense : team loses that round automatically , loses all points for the round. player is marked on wristband per offense.
2nd Offense by same player : Team loses the round , loses points for that round , players is marked on their wristband and pulled from the rest of the match. the Affected team plays one man short with no substitution for the rest of the match.
3rd Offense by same player : Team loses the round automatically , loses all points for the round , player is marked on their wristband and pulled from the rest of the event. the affected team plays one man short for the remaining matches.
FALSE STARTS = Team loses that player for the round
Player talking after death = player being spoken to will be pulled from the round.
Semi Automatic Only
- All types of guns are allowed
-One trigger pull = one shot ( feathering okay )
-Pistols = Extended Mags OK ( 50 rnd max per mag
-Shotguns = Shell Fed
- Extended Trigger guards allowed but MUST BE SECURED
- ANY bodily contact with a bb is considered a hit. ( excludes gun hits )
- If opposing players shoot each other at the same time , BOTH players are out.
- Dry fires do NOT count as hits